0481-2301555, 9605757179. 7012427454

Snehakoodu Abhayamandiram

Our Core Value.

Our Foundation.

Snehakkodu Abhayamandiram, A Secular Joint Family Structured Organization. The main motive of ours is to Protect the Orphans, Dependent Old Age People, and to rehabilitate them with families, and provide them with all possible Legal Protection. We also care to provide them with True Mental Support for leading a better life.

How we work

Dream & Vision of Snehakoodu

To Support and Empower people to live more meaningful lives by delivering inclusive and innovative services that are characterised by Compassion and Social Justice.

Snehakoodu Media

Our Media Wing promotes Snehakoodu Updates and Online Support to every queries. We have our Youtube Channel and Magazine Department

Legal Help & Support

We offering assistance to elders in need. The services offered are – rescue of abandoned elders, counseling of those in distress, health care, legal support, information related to services available etc. The Helpline links elders to various institutions such as old age homes, hospitals, police, government and non-governmental organizations.

The Story of us

Know more about us..

Help others without any reason and give without the expectation of receiving anything in return.

Want to get involved?

0481-2301555, 9605757179. 7012427454

Snehakoodu Abhayamandiram,
YWCA Lane, Baker Junction,